What is force logging: If force logging is enabled, all the database changes will be logged in redo log files, even for nologging operations.The above means that if FORCE LOGGING is enabled at a higher level, the NOLOGGING at a lower level has no effect. That means that even for a nologging …

The nologging option is a great way to speed-up inserts and index creation.It bypasses the writing of the redo log, significantly improving performance. However, this approach is quite dangerous if you need to roll-forward through this time period during a database recovery. Ask TOM "Nologging" NOLOGGING means "it is ok to skip redo" and direct path loads will skip redo generation when possible if the object is nologging. direct path loads by default have always generated redo information in archive log mode direct path loads have never meant "skip redo", oracle11g - What is the purpose of logging/nologging LOGGING/NOLOGGING helps manage enabling direct path writes in order to reduce the generation of REDO and UNDO. It is one of several ways to control the delicate balance between recoverability and performance. Oracle Architecture Background Information.

Jan 29, 2010


The SET NOLOGGING statement allows a session to bypass the logging and recovery system. This may speed up certain types of update operations but must be used with extreme caution. The SET NOLOGGING statement is intended to be used for operations for which the reduction of logging overhead and log file space usage outweigh the benefits of having

Apr 21, 2013 How to Backup and Truncate Audit table (sys.aud$) in Dec 14, 2018 Delete nologging – SQLServerCentral May 19, 2017 sql - Want to enable PARALLEL and NOLOGGING on Oracle NOLOGGING is not a hint but an option for DDL statements. That's why delete is mostly the heaviest operation for the database. It needs to log all the row data. Only INSERT can avoid the logging when using APPEND (or PARALLEL which makes APPEND implicitly) – Husqvik Aug 25 '15 at 6:24